Nomination for the Viennese Engineer Award
The prize of Vienna‘s Engineers which was launched by the City of Vienna as well as the Chamber of Architects, Engineers and Consultants in Vienna is awarded every two years for outstanding technical achievements.
In 2008, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Thomas Grechenig was nominated for this award due to the technical achievements developed during the implementation of the e-Card project. The jury argued their decision as follows "The contribution of Grechenig to the public perception of the importance of IT engineering in everyday life is greatly increased. Health care information systems like the public health insurance cards of Austria (eCard) are directly beneficial for safety technologies like secure transmission of medical records or enforcement of data sovereignty of patients."
The e-card as well as the secure backend architecture were rolled out nationally in 2005 and was installed in more than 12.000 medical practices. RISE was responsible for the design of the architecture as well as the implementations in the field of IT-security, network technology and embedded systems design. The value of this know-how was recognized by Germany, and thus Prof. Grechenig acted as chief technology architect in the at that time largest European IT-project - the German health card.