RISE covers the entire spectrum of health issues in application-oriented research and industrial implementation: organisational, normative and technical IT health infrastructures, medical hardware, diverse eHealth application ecosystems. Cross-nationally, nationally and regionally; with a focus on Europe, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Arab world. For over 20 years.

The importance of eHealth for modern healthcare systems
eHealth is essential for modern healthcare systems large and small, from stand-alone healthcare applications to cross-national healthcare infrastructures. What matters is social relevance, because healthcare has an existential dimension for people.
Our in-depth understanding of the challenges and needs of modern healthcare enables us to provide tailored IT solutions that meet the specific requirements of our customers. We believe that technology has the potential to fundamentally change the way medical services are provided and received.

The scope of RISE in the area of eHealth
RISE has taken a leading role in the adoption and implementation of eHealth solutions. For many years, we have been working at the intersection of information technology and healthcare to develop innovative digital solutions that improve the efficiency, accessibility and quality of healthcare. Our involvement in eHealth ranges from the development of individual healthcare applications to the creation and maintenance of complex, cross-national healthcare infrastructures.
Our eHealth projects cover a wide range of initiatives, including telemedicine, electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchange (HIE) and AI-enabled tools. We also take the security and protection of health data very seriously. Our eHealth solutions meet the highest privacy and security standards to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of patient information.
Health infrastructures and medical data platforms
Health IT infrastructures serve networked healthcare systems as a sustainable foundation for complex eHealth ecosystems. The requirements for these critical infrastructures are maximum security, high availability, interoperability and scalability - challenges that RISE has mastered with the routine of twenty years of experience. The design, planning and operation of nationwide IT healthcare infrastructures are core competencies of RISE.

RISE's application-oriented research provides the necessary technological vision, as sustainability is a prerequisite in the industry. A cross-section of major projects ranges from Europe-wide projects, such as epSOS - an EU project for an EU-wide eHealth framework and ICT infrastructure - to nationwide programs, such as those for the German and Austrian healthcare systems, and a nationwide IT health and education system for Qatar, as well as projects at regional level.
The electronic health record (EHR)
Together with the e-prescription, the electronic health record is the central eHealth application in the German health care system and the core of the telematics infrastructure (TI). For health insurances, the EHR is the most important healthcare application in their eHealth application portfolio. The aim is to establish state-of-the-art medical and administrative functions that are interoperable with the entire healthcare system within a correspondingly strict regulatory framework. At this point, in our tradition as eHealth application developers, we take on the overall implementation of functionally sophisticated single and multi-app strategies.

Serious games
Serious games - a key area of research at RISE. The promotion of health-conscious, preventive and treatment-related behaviour has long been an important goal in modern societies, not least because of health-economic considerations.
From a research perspective, serious games provide a theoretical framework for incentive systems and thus underline their universal role as tools to promote desired behaviour. Given this importance, serious games have established themselves as a key topic of RISE in the development of e-health applications. They are used in various medical areas, especially in the German healthcare system, either as medical applications within the telematics infrastructure (ePA+Services) or as an integrative added value in existing rehabilitation systems or hospital information systems (HIS).
RISE hosted the 6th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Application for Health, 2018 and co-organised the EU-wide ERASMUS Blended Intensive Programme on "VR and Digital Games" 2023.

An operating portfolio for every project
RISE provides a highly secure, scalable and modern operating infrastructure for the smooth delivery of applications. This is particularly important in the digitalised healthcare sector.