About RISE
Find out more about our company and our motivations. How is RISE organised? What drives us? What industries, technologies and continents do we operate in? How do we manage to bring high-flying innovations down to earth with a solid foundation? And how are our diverse, strong teams put together? Welcome to our universe...

RISE is a globally successful IT company with decades of experience in industry, digitalisation and engineering, supported by the spirit of responsible teams and personalities.
Mit unserem umfassenden Angebot an Lösungen und Services sind wir Wegbereiter für eine sichere Digitalisierung. Dabei übernehmen wir die Planung, Entwicklung, Betreuung und den Betrieb einzelner Plattformen und komplexer Gesamtsysteme.
A technology manufacturer with an overview and a vision
RISE has built, maintained and operated major structural systems in Europe (e.g. eCard, ÖBB, airport, pension insurance, major banks, high-security locking systems, cloud accounting, German health record, sports platforms). RISE generates Austrian and European added value in sustainable topics for the global market and thus creates sustainable local jobs.
"If we can't do it, no one can." stands not only for the establishment of high content strength at a world-class IT level, but also for the proven character trait of "perseverance" in tackling complex issues to a successful conclusion. "We always deliver" is the second motto to which RISE is committed. This requires not only the availability of experienced people who can keep such promises, but also the ability to increase the intensity, depth of specialisation, breadth of expertise or team strength as required. - We are part of the world's best and we work on the ground to solve real problems.

From Austria to the world
RISE has operational offices, branches and subsidiaries in Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Bern, Paris, Algiers, Bangalore, Andhra Pradesh, Abu Dhabi, São Paulo and a global network of partner companies. The head office and founding location is the city of Schwechat near Vienna Airport, the headquarters are located in the heart of Vienna 300 metres from the Vienna University of Technology. In Austria, RISE has more than 10 locations in the federal states.

IT service provider for large-scale projects
As a manufacturer and driver of digital technologies from Europe for the entire digital world, the IT company RISE, which was founded more than 20 years ago as an R&D company from the Vienna University of Technology, has leading references, long-standing customers, key technologies, solid products and profound expertise in sectors such as healthcare, mobility, finance, retail, administration, manufacturing, industry and IT security. RISE enables partners to be solid innovators and digital transformers, while at the same time reliably integrating good old procedural and existing knowledge from established companies and institutions.
A powerful team
The RISE community of IT professionals consists of several hundred highly skilled employees and is growing organically every year. We take the time to understand who is joining us on the journey to the future of IT. The core of RISE includes international top-level project managers, consultants and IT architects, IT consultants (senior and competence level) as well as exceptional software engineers and engineering specialists. Naturally, RISE also has a global network of specialists and partners who work with RISE on a regular basis. Our delivery and development capacity can - if really needed - be doubled at short notice and linearly without loss of quality.
Decades of experience in all industries
- Replacement or new development of time- and operation-critical core components
- Development of complex applications
- Highly experienced understanding of all necessary development aspects, focusing depending on the system (usability, security, flexibility, operational efficiency, integrability, etc...)
- High availability, performance and security of systems
- **An end-to-end approach for a profound solution with the "right" user experience (as opposed to simply customising a rigid solution).
- Many years of expertise in quality assurance, testing and test automation
- Profound knowledge of General Data Protection Regulation, data security, data minimisation and sound consent management for users and administrators
The company's IT roots date back to the late 1980s. RISE has employees who have intensively accompanied the IT world of the last decades in planning, implementation, programming, software technology and migration and who have led on the implementation front. This also benefits the "young savages" from AI to new programming paradigms.

Character of the company
Experience, engineering, development, commitment, honesty, in planning, realisation and implementation. Realistic pragmatism, "hands-on" working style and a high capacity for innovation characterise RISE. These characteristics emerged with the early foundations in the 80s, grew with the consulting years in the 90s and have crystallised more and more with the founding of the RISE brand in the fresh new millennium. In an industry that has been growing steadily for decades now, this USP of RISE has been carefully cultivated and nurtured by the entire management team on an ongoing basis.
1. Corporate experience
RISE's experience in planning, implementation, maintenance and operation covers many large European and international institutions and companies, both private and public. RISE is active in the IT solutions business for manufacturing companies, mobility providers, the energy sector, banks and insurance companies as well as various ministries worldwide.
RISE has managed and built numerous large-scale projects such as the eCard project, nationwide ticketing, national ID service, airport core system, patient records for the leading insurance companies, mainframe replacement, and many more.
2. Development pragmatics
RISE developers have a sound basic education in software engineering, many of them with an academic degree. "Beyond coding", RISE SW engineers are concerned with the overall understanding of software construction. This includes the entire process from understanding "WHAT exactly" to "HOW best" to satisfied end users and stable, secure operation. Modern software development paradigms, long-term maintainability of the software, easily expandable and adaptable systems are a basic professional attitude of the teams. RISE Software is active and effective worldwide on a daily basis. For example, RISE has systems in use with customers that are contracted with a response time of 30 minutes and a bug-fix cycle of one day. Strong talents learn the state-of-the-art of the top league of the global development communities with us.

3. Work style
In the course of its development history, RISE has often integrated several large IT suppliers with divergent interests alongside the client and moulded them into a managed whole in line with the client's project objectives. From this experience of placing the client's tasks and objectives above all other potentials and interests, a project delivery culture has been established in the RISE teams, which always acts as an enabler, amplifier and neutral translator for the client's in-house IT team vis-à-vis the employees of the company as a whole. IT is - provided the technology is mastered - first and foremost a people and team business. We will always pay close attention to employees who can provide the necessary technical and team quality in the project, even under pressure.
4. Innovation capability
RISE has a history of more than 30 years of very close cooperation with various IT research groups at the Vienna University of Technology and several other universities in and outside the DACH region, dealing with topics such as Software Engineering, Security Engineering, Usability Engineering, Operations IT and IT Strategy, eHealth, eMobility, eMoney, eSports and many more. Testing new technologies together with these research groups allows us to establish sustainable architectures and form a rapid, independent judgement on the de facto industrial usability of new technologies. Last but not least, these long-standing collaborations ensure that RISE is always act at the forefront of the state of the art in solving industrial problems and, where necessary, going beyond.

Open source and rational, fair sourcing
As a globally active consulting, planning and software development company, RISE has long been a member of large open source communities and has successfully focused on working in and with open source projects. The whole continuum of different forms between open sourcing and necessary closed sourcing is always part of the decisions about the strategic and technical momentum of a long-term systems development project. Many RISE products are the result of a sensible and elegant mix of open source and RISE code in order to optimise quality, longevity and costs appropriately. - Unnecessary or "eternal" dependencies on closed clouds or vendor lock-ins can thus be better avoided.
The varied and challenging project environment has helped us to establish the following core competencies:
1. Combining flexibility and stability
Open source practices often facilitate agile software development, promote rapid innovation and support global, barrier-free collaboration in the sense of a "best of breed ". RISE tackles complex software engineering tasks in a professional manner on the basis of open source. However, the specific task often requires a clever mix instead of too much ideology and technical purism. Of course, there are a number of solutions for which RISE is optimally connected to the major product manufacturers. - Whatever suits the customer and the scenario is integrated, from Azure to SAP to Oracle.
2. Engineering code and code evolution
The code quality of open source software is significantly higher than the sometimes loveless long-term industrial handling of closed source projects, whose profitability is declining. The agile and collaborative RISE development process generally leads to very flexible, high-performance, mature and robustly secure systems. The high level of transparency leads to strong customer confidence in the sustainability of the solutions established by RISE.
After 5 - 7 years of intensive operational use, any software structure, no matter how well established, usually enters a phase of slow erosion. During this phase, RISE openly discusses with the client the evolutionary development of the software core. If done wisely and appropriately, this can result in a continuous process of innovation that avoids the classic "aging away" associated with major new construction risks that occur much later. - In the future, in-house application of AI support will help to maintain the "code quality density" of core systems for longer.

3. Science, software science, open source community
Open source communities think in terms of the primacy of transparency, reproducibility and reuse. After all, these principles are at the heart of any scientific method. As a former spin-off of the Vienna University of Technology and thanks to many of our employees, RISE is still deeply rooted in science. Close and diverse co-operation with research and development exist in areas such as of software engineering, usability and interaction design, platform, web and mobile engineering, IT security, mobile computing and business informatics. At RISE, the Fab Lab concept is not just posing and staging industrial R&D, but simply a well-established method whose benefits and limitations are well known to us.

We are RISE
A versatile, ambitious, independent, self-determined company with a solid position at the heart of digitalisation. Tried and tested in all areas of service and system construction, but at the same time experienced in synchronised swimming and pair dancing. With highly exciting, constantly growing project branches and subsidiaries.
In the hard core of the company with a clear vision, a rock-solid plan, a deeply realistic mission and many elegantly intelligent internal investments in our shared future of regional, national and international specialised applications, certified digital infrastructures and services.
All of this provided by alert, open RISEers for our customers who value, promote and pass on a digitally cultivated coexistence. Together with our customers, we protect people's digital rights and digital integrity. In an extensively digitally connected and progressively AI-enabled world, this is a very valuable asset to protect.
Responsibility and flexibility
We like to take responsibility for solving your problems.
We will work with you to identify the realistic time and budget requirements.
We are experienced in working in any appropriate or necessary customer-supplier relationship to cement, complement and create success.
Reinvesting in tomorrow
RISE reinvests a significant proportion of its economic success in the development and expansion of its technical infrastructure, in the maturation of new products, and in relevant research and solution-oriented basic IT research. RISE remains young, provokes and challenges itself, while actively drawing on a wealth of experience.
RISE reinvests a significant proportion of its economic success in the development and expansion of its technical infrastructure, in the maturation of new products, and in relevant research and solution-oriented basic IT research. RISE remains young, provokes and challenges itself, while actively drawing on a wealth of experience.
The breeding ground
Originally founded as a spin-off from the Vienna University of Technology, RISE continues to work closely with research groups at many engineering universities worldwide with conviction and enthusiasm in the field of research and development. Close co-operation exists in the scientific fields of software engineering, IT security, platform, web and mobile engineering, usability and interaction design, mobile computing and business informatics.
Originally founded as a spin-off from the Vienna University of Technology, RISE continues to work closely with research groups at many engineering universities worldwide with conviction and enthusiasm in the field of research and development. Close co-operation exists in the scientific fields of software engineering, IT security, platform, web and mobile engineering, usability and interaction design, mobile computing and business informatics.

Our spirit is the foundation of our success
RISE is a community of diverse, enthusiastic and curious people, all of whom come together around a challenge that needs to be solved.