In technical terms, telecommunications and information technology have now grown together. The importance of communication (C) has in no way diminished. C has become part of information technology (I). I encompasses C and penetrates ever deeper into the organisation of businesses and the everyday lives of consumers. It integrates and permeates work and leisure.

A technological merger
Communication, bandwidth, availability and access have become the other side of a coin called ICT and will prove to be one of the great technological mergers of the 21st century. Watching television, making phone calls, operating information systems, managing businesses, monitoring health, controlling appliances and doors and even driving a car are all activities that are gradually converging on a single technological platform.

Knowing networks, building infrastructures
The proliferation of mobile devices means that every person is a terminal in a very, very large network. In the past, RISE has built up a great deal of expertise in developing network infrastructure, has been responsible for many solutions and over time has developed a unique innovative strength in the field of mobile communications applications.

We accompany and lead the way
Our knowledge of IT security, high availability networks and the work of mobile device manufacturers' research labs enables us to actively support and lead this global standardisation of ICT.
Industry expertise and experience
A very broad knowledge of the industry, many cracks from the period of development and upheaval in telecommunications and mobile communications, combined with our practical implementation expertise, results in a clout that can establish contemporary best-practice solutions in time and budget, from mobile parking systems to GPS fleet control, special mobile commerce solutions, mobile money and, in particular, tap-proof network technology for confidential information.

Research is the foundation...
...and points the way to the future. This applies not only to telecommunications, but also to all other areas of our business. Our "RISE Think Tank" gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the subject matter and inspire the various projects.